August 25, 2011

Removing Unity from Ubuntu

This is here for the sake of people trying to use Eclipse under Ubuntu for developing andriod apps or anything else. Basically, when ubuntu changed the desktop environment to unity, it automatically installed some customizations for compiz that cause Eclipse and a few other apps not to display scrollbars. When you are trying to build an android app, this is terribly frustrating because in the window where you have to select the target environment, it's impossible to scroll down and hit OK. Read more

August 25, 2011

Show Your localhost

I came across this handy command that allows you to show your localhost server to the world. This comes in handy if you have something running on your local box, like a webserver that has your up to the second design or configuration ideas and you need to show them to someone else. It saves you the trouble of having to setup an apache server and all that for when it's just something simple you want to showoff. Read more

April 7, 2010

Lunch As An Extension Of Self

In Spain, it is not the norm to buy lunch at work every day, as it is in many places. Here, almost everyone brings their lunch in a small tupperware and lunchbag, which are heated in the microwave. As I was sitting at a table today, eating a sandwich I started to notice that even though we're all grown up now, our lunches and lunchboxes kind of like an extension of our personalities. Read more

January 1, 0001

title = “New Blog, New Home” layout = “single” date = “2010-04-07” Getting this box up and running the way I wanted it has proven to be a far more difficult task than I anticipated. All I wanted was: A VPS running ubuntu that was cheap, Europe-based, and that allowed me to pay with paypal. A blogging platform that I could update using vim, in textile, with a minimal amount of fluff (read plugins/updates/etc). Read more